Sunday, May 1, 2016

AP Physics 2 Unit 10 Lab

Elisa Alvarado, Sarah Cratem, Ryan Partain, Julia Reidy
Mr. Thomas
AP Physics 2 cmod
14 March 2016
Unit 10: Quantum Model Lab Report

Objective: To determine the relationship between brightness and density of light related to the current it produces.



Finding the Relationship Between Current and Photon Density
1. Choose Sodium as the target metal
2. Set the voltage to a constant 1 V
3. Set the wavelength to 250 nm
4. Set the photon density = 0.01
5. Hit “Record Data Point”
6. Change the photon density by adding 0.10. Hit “Record Data Point”
7. Repeat step 6 for (0.10,1.00]; you should have 11 data points
Finding the Relationship between Current and a Change in Potential
1. Using Sodium, set the photon density = 1
2. Set the wavelength at 250 nm
3. Set the voltage = 0 V
4. Hit “Record Data Point”
5. Change the voltage by adding 0.500V. Hit “Record Data Point”
6. Repeat Step 5 for (0.500V, 5.000V]; you should have 11 data points
Finding the Relationship between Maximum Kinetic Energy and Frequency
1. Using Sodium, set the photon density = 1, and set the voltage = 1 V
2. Start with wavelength = 800 nm; this will result in a frequency of 3.75 x1014Hz
3. Hit “Record Data Point”
4. Subtract 86 nm from the wavelength to increase the frequency. Hit “Record Data Point”
5. Repeat Step 4 for [200 nm, 700 nm)
6. Calculate by using a spreadsheet software and the equation 𝜙 (multiply Plank’s constant, eV·s, by the frequency column and subtract the work function for Sodium which equals 2.28eV)
Data Table:


Energy vs. Frequency

In the first trial the independent variable was photon density and the dependent variable was current. In the second trial the independent variable was voltage and dependent was current. In the third trial the independent variable was wavelength/frequency and the dependent was Kinetic Energy, which was solved for using the equation UK = (4.063 x 10-15eVs)(f) - 2.828eV, where Planck's constant is equal to the slope. The x intercept shows the minimum amount of frequency needed to expel an electron from the Sodium. The y intercept shows us how much force is needed to eject an electron from the Sodium. The generalized equation we can derive from this data is E= hf - ϕ. The slope (h) represents Planck's constant.  The equation E= hf - ϕ shows that kinetic energy of the photoelectron is equal to Planck's constant (h) multiplied by the light’s frequency minus the y intercept (ϕ). The errors that could have happened during our experiment are limited because we used a computer to compute the data used in our analysis. The only way for error to be possible is if we rounded numbers wrong or if we accidentally plugged numbers wrong into our calculator.

AP Physics 2 Unit 11 Lab

Elisa Alvarado, Sarah Cratem, Ryan Partain, Julia Reidy
Mr. Thomas
AP Physics 2 cmod
1 May 2016
Unit 11 Lab: Standard Model
Objective: To determine the graphical and mathematical relationship between deflection angle, new wavelength, and electron momentum.


  1. Start the experiment with a photon angle of 1 degree and a wavelength of 50pm
  2. Click the start button to shoot the photon at the electron
  3. Record the electron angle, final wavelength, and electron momentum
  4. Repeat steps 2-4 with the photon angles 10, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180


Final Wavelength vs. Photon Angle
This relationship does not create a straight line; take the cosine of the x-axis (photon angle) to linearize the relationship.

Final Wavelength vs. cos(photon angle)
This relationship is linear.

Electron Momentum vs. Photon Angle
To linearize this relationship, multiply the electron momentum by the cosine of the electron angle, and for the x-axis, take the cosine of the photon angle and divide it by the final wavelength.

Momentum x cos(Electron Angle) vs. cos(Photon Angle) / Final Wavelength
This graph provides a linear relationship.

The independent variable is the photon angle and the dependent variables are final wavelength, electron angle, and electron momentum.
The first graph shows the relationship between final wavelength and photon angle which is not a straight line. Then by changing the angle from θ to cosθ it becomes linear and can be described using the equation represented in the second graph:
Final wavelength=-24.245pm(cosθ)+524.235pm
The third graph shows the relationship between electron momentum and photon angle. To linearize this graph, for the y-axis multiply the electron momentum by the cosine of the electron angle, and for the x-axis, take the cosine of the photon angle and divide it by the final wavelength. This gives you the linear equation represented in the fourth graph:
(Momentum e-)(Cos(θ2))=(-0.709yN(s)(pm))(1/final wavelength)(cos(θ1) +11.414yN(s)
Errors in this experiment are unlikely because we used a computer simulation to collect our data. However, some mistakes could have possibly been made in rounding errors and calculations.